Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Computer Security

G53SEC Computer Security Spring 2012/2013 Coursework 1 Name ID : : Arvinth Gunasegaran 005917 09/04/2013 Due date : Introduction/Technique Cryptography is the act or practice of using techniques for secret communication over public communication channels. The purpose of this is to enable the transmission of messages secretly without being understood by third parties. Cryptography is achieved by means of encryption, which is the process of converting normal text to ciphered text using a key, either public or private.The ciphered text is then transmitted to the receiver, who can decrypt it back to normal text using either a public key (symmetric cryptography) or his or her private key (asymmetric cryptography). One of most famous symmetric encryption techniques is the Caesar cipher, or also known as the shift cipher. It is a type of substitution cipher that works by replacing each alphabet in plaintext into a corresponding alphabet some fixed number of positions either to the right or left of the alphabet.The first Caesar cipher shifted all characters to three positions to the right. However, a shift of any other number or to the left is also used. Based on this, the objective of the coursework is to produce a reverse Caesar cipher encryption. The technique works by first choosing a fixed number to shift the ‘A’ character. Once the letter ‘A’ is shifted accordingly, the rest of the alphabets are filled in, in reverse. The example below shows a simple case of reverse Caesar with a shift value of 3. A B C D E F G H I J K D C B A Z Y X W V U TIn this case, the number to shift is 3. Hence, the letter ‘A’ is first shifted 3 places to the right. The rest of the alphabets are then listed in reverse order, which means the letter ‘A’ is followed by the letter ‘Z’, ‘Y’ and ‘X’, instead of ‘B’, ‘C’, and ‘D’ like in normal Caesar ciphers. Program Explanation The reverse Caesar cipher is implemented in Java. The first java class file (Reverse. java), handles most of the algorithms needed to implement the cipher. Firstly, a char array of size 26 is created and all the alphabets are stored in it in normal order.Similarly, another empty array of size 26 is created for the purpose of storing the mapped values of each alphabet in the first array after shifting. A scanner is used to get user input for the sentence they wish to encrypt and the number of places to shift. Encrypt Method This is the method that is used to convert the input text to a ciphered text. Firstly, the algorithm below sets the second array created earlier with mapped values of the characters form the first array. int shift=pass%26; //to calculate modulus int count=0+(shift-1); //insert -1 to include the first char for (int a=0; a

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Early Childhood Education Essay

Abstract There has been a great deal of research conducted in the subject matter of early childhood education. During the preschool years, the human brain is growing rapidly and extremely sensitive to new information. Researchers have conducted studies in an effort to show a correlation between enrollment in early education and cognitive and social development. This paper will provide a brief overview of the results from the following: the Head Start program studies, the High/Scope Perry Preschool study, and the Child Parent Center in Chicago. This paper will also discuss the impact of childcare facilities on child development. The vast amount of research provided by these studies effectively shows an increase in cognitive development in the preschoolers that were enrolled and found that negative social behaviors were reduced as a result of early education intervention. The research indicates that all children exhibited signs of cognitive and social growth, but that underprivileged children w ere impacted the most. Child- care facilities were not as productive furthering childhood development. This paper will conclude by addressing the need of well-developed preschool programs and the need for well-educated teachers in the preschool environment. Keywords: early childhood education, preschool, cognitive and social development Early Childhood Education: Impact on Cognitive and Social Development Preschool is a term that defines early childhood education for children ranging from ages two through four years old. Preschool programs normally consist of federally funded programs, state and local preschools, and child care facilities. Preschool enrollment has increased dramatically over the last few decades. Approximately 75% of four year olds and 50% of three year olds are enrolled in a preschool center, which is a statistically significant contrast from 10% in the 1960’s (Barnett, 2008). Not only has there been an increase of children enrolled in public preschools, but also in private preschools (Barnett, 2008). This increase may be attributed to the need for childcare as the work force shifted from a single income to dual income household or the desire to equip children with the necessary skills to help them in their educational career (Barnett & Yarosz, 2007). Winter and Kelley (2008) reported that many early childhood teachers found that nearly one-third of their students were deficient in certain areas that were sure to hinder their educational success (p. 260). There have been many studies conducted to try and define the impact of preschool on a child’s development. Researchers have studied Head Start programs across the country, the High/Scope Perry Preschool, the Child Parent Center in Chicago among others, and child care facilities. Early Childhood Education research has shown that preschool has an impact on a child’s cognitive and social development, with the greatest impact on minority and disadvantaged children. Developing Brain Most parents and educators know that a child’s brain, from birth to approximately five years of age, is exceptionally vulnerable to the learning of new skills and concepts. Winter and Kelley (2008) state that the â€Å"neural connections or ‘synapses’ develop at a phenomenal rate during this time† which aids in developing a â€Å"foundation for later skill acquisition† (p. 263). Due to the brains extreme susceptibility during the preschool years, not only do preschoolers develop cognitive skills they need, but also socio-emotional skills. Mai, Tardif, Doan, Liu, Gehring, and Luo (2011) conducted a study of positive and negative feedback in preschoolers, which showed that preschoolers are â€Å"more responsive to positive feedback than to negative feedback† (p. 5). They concluded that the importance of the amount of positive feedback was significant enough that it may stimulate preschoolers desire to learn (Mai, et al, 2011). Researchers have found that during this early period of childhood development, children are able to boost gross motor skills and acquire language (Winter & Kelley, 2008, p. 262). Due to the unique nature of the brain during preschool years, experiences or lack of can impede child development (Winter & Kelley, 2008, p. 263). In a study conducted by Burger (2012), a toddler’s working memory can positively impact a child’s behavior and has a positive influence over a child’s math and reading ability (p. 210). A young child’s brain, if stimulated inappropriately, can have an adverse impact on cognitive and social development. A child’s cognitive development is connected to their social development. Willis and Schiller (2011) propose that â€Å"positive early experiences promote optimum brain development, which impacts all areas of development (para. 1). Impact of Government Preschool Programs In 1965, the Head Start program was created in an effort to provide â€Å"an array of social, health, and educational services for young children and their families† (Winter & Kelley, 2008, p. 261). This program is federally funded and targets underprivileged children. Underprivileged children are more susceptible to fall behind or to not complete their education due to lack of early education intervention. There is documentation that shows that minorities and poor children struggle with â€Å"language, literacy, social, and other skills needed† (Child Trends & Center for Child Health Research, 2004; Early et al, 2007), than children who are not underprivileged (Winter & Kelley, 2008, p. 260). Burger (2009) reports that a majority of children from low socio-economic backgrounds are more likely to: experience grade repetition, to require additional educational assistance throughout their school career, or ultimately become high school dropouts (p. 142). Ludwig and Phillips (2007) reported the findings of an evaluation completed by Garces, Thomas, and Currie (2002) that compared siblings, either attending or not attending the Head Start Program (p.4). They wrote that the sibling that attended Head Start were 22% more likely to graduate and 19% more likely to seek higher education (p. 4). The National Impact Study (NIS) is one of the most in depth study on the Head Start program, and involves a random compilation of children enrolled in Head Start throughout the country between the ages of three and four years old (Pianta, Barnett, Burchinal, & Thornburg, 2009, p. 59). This study showed that there was minor cognitive and social growth over a nine month period. Barnett (2008) reported an increase of 0.20 standard deviations on cognitive development and a decrease of 0.05 standard deviations in negative social behavior, such as hyperactivity for three year olds (p. 6). However, upon completing a follow up on the study, the cognitive benefits gained by the children were no longer observed at the end of their kindergarten school year (Pianta, Barnett, Burchinal, & Thornburg, 2009, p. 59). Parents reported positive changes in their child’s dental and physical health and the research indicates an increase of 0.12 standard deviations (Barnett, 2008, p. 6). There was a case of four year olds that experienced greater cognitive development. This was illustrated by the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, which had an increase of 0.20-0.27 standard deviations (Barnett, 2008, p.7). The Tulsa Head Start program was designed with a vision to help children develop skills for school readiness. This preschool program is funded by the state and is a part of the Tulsa Public School system; therefore, teachers must possess a Bachelor of Art degree and have a certification in early childhood education (Gormley, Phillips, & Gayer, 2008). The Tulsa Head Start program study compared the Tulsa Public School (TSP) pre-kindergarten against the Tulsa Head Start program. The study showed that the TSP pre-kindergarteners showed vast improvement in letter-word identification, spelling, and applied problems, whereas the Tulsa Head Start preschoolers’ results were deemed notable (Gormley, Phillips, & Gayer, 2008). While Head Start programs are supposed to adhere to a â€Å"national standard† (Pianta, et al, 2009), many do not have the same requirements (p. 55). Pianta and his colleagues (2009) explain that most teachers working for Head Start programs make less than $26,000 per year, with the exception of Tulsa Head Start whose teachers earn a regular teacher salary (p. 55). This may explain why the results of the Tulsa Head Start studies are not typical compared to other Head Start studies (Barnett, 2008, p. 7). Teacher qualifications of the Head Start employees may have an impact on the low levels of development observed of children in the program. Before 2011 Head Start teachers (excluding the Tulsa Head Start teachers) were not required to obtain an associate degree and directors did not have to possess a bachelor degree (Pianta, et al, 2009). However, Pianta and his colleagues (2009) report that by the year 2013, at least half of all Head Start teachers will be required to obtain a bachelor’s degree (p. 55). Because the Head Start studies were conducted in varying locations and on a variety of children, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact impact of cognitive and social development for each child. The rate of attendance also varies on location. Some Head Start programs have fewer than five days of scheduled class per week, while others attend the program five days a week during an entire school year (Pianta, et al, 2009, p. 54). Major successes of the Head Start programs appear to be achieving higher educational levels and improved health for children. The Head Start program reduced the mortality rate of children between the ages of five and nine years old (Barnett, 2008, p. 8) and provided a cognitive advantage in school achievement (Reynolds & Ou, 2011, p. 556). There were no extraordinary impacts on children’s social development throughout the Head Start studies. The program, however, has received conflicting reviews. Williams (2010) explains that because there is no orderly way to measure the effects of this program, there have been reports of positive â€Å"short-term gains in cognitive functioning† (p. 4) and the program has received criticism for only producing short term benefits (Williams, 2010, p. 4). Impact of Public Preschool Another option for children is a public preschool program. There are public preschools that function similar to the Head Start program, in which they target children from low income families. The teaching credentials of preschool teachers differ from other educators in the public school system and vary throughout different states. The requirements for public preschool teachers range from possessing a Child Development Associate (CDA) to a bachelor’s degree (Pianta, et al, 2009, p. 55). Public preschool programs tend to be successful in the area of cognitive and social development due to the increase of attention from the teacher (Barnett, 2008, p. 8). The topic of teacher quality in preschools is of a major concern and can have a direct impact on childhood development. Winter and Kelley (2008) explain that the development of a child’s social behavior correlates with the quality of the teacher (p. 263). The most significant research on public preschools stems from the High/Scope Perry Preschool study. In this study that lasted for two years, approximately 130 children, minority and underprivileged, were either enrolled in a half-day preschool or assigned to a control group (Barnett, 2008, p. 9). These participants were chosen by the following criteria: â€Å"low levels of parent education, socioeconomic status, and low intellectual performance† (Williams, 2010, p.4). The results were astounding. Barnett (2008) reported that language and basic cognitive skills increased by approximately 0.90 standard deviations (p. 9). The cognitive advantage was short-lived as children from the control group were caught up during kindergarten (Barnett, 2008, p. 9); however, Reynolds and Ou (2011) determined that there was an advantage on educational attainment (p.556). The Perry study also showed evidence of social development in later years. The students demonstrated appropriate classroom etiquette, had lower levels of delinquency, and a higher rate of commencement (Barnett, 2008, p. 9). Burger (2009) explained that the Perry study is unique in nature due to the environment of the classroom (para. 5.2). He added that preschools similar to the Perry preschool have â€Å"low child-to-staff ratios† (Burger, 2009, para. 5.2), so teachers are able to be readily available to their students. Another influential study on preschool impact is the Child Parent Center (CPC) study on a preschool in Chicago. This program was directed more for children from the ages of three to nine years old (Williams, 2010, p. 5). This preschool is tailored to low-income families that includes â€Å"a half-day preschool, kindergarten, and a follow-on elementary school component† (Barnett, 2008, p. 11). The results of all CPC studies were positive for impact on children’s cognitive development (Barnett, 2008, p. 12). The CPC study showed that participating preschoolers had higher test scores up until eighth grade, a reduction of delinquency, and observed an increase in the percentage of high school graduates (Pianta, Barnett, Burchinal, & Thornburg, 2009,p. 62). Reynolds and Ou (2011) also evaluated the CPC study and found that former students tend to have less risk of experiencing depression and generally have higher occupational stature (p. 558). The National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) reports that the Abbott Preschool Program has had a tremendous effect on child development as measured in 2005 and 2006 with the Abbot Preschool Program Longitudinal Study (APPLES) (Study of Abbott, 2007). The Abbott Preschool was opened in 1999 and was put in place to serve the â€Å"highest-poverty school districts† (Study of Abbott, 2007) in the state of New Jersey (Study of Abbott, 2007). This preschool program showed positive cognitive growth in their students through their kindergarten year. The students enrolled showed significant achievements in English, reading, and mathematics (Study of Abbott, 2007). This program not only measured student progress, but also took into account the quality of the classroom. The study found a significant increase in â€Å"child learning, language and reasoning, activities and interactions, and program structure† (Study of Abbott, 2007). Other studies of public preschools provided results depicting social development and school preparedness (Barnett, 2008, p. 10). Pickens (2009) explains that public preschool programs â€Å"show a positive impact on children’s behavior outcomes, especially for children living in poverty† (Barnett, 1995; Peterson & Zill, 1986). In the preschool setting, children are exposed to other children from different backgrounds, different personalities and different ethnicities. During this time in childhood development, children begin to learn social behavior. Pickens (2009) explains that these social behaviors are influenced by their teachers and classmates (p.263). Participation in the preschool setting allows children to learn how to interact with classmates and encounter situations that can mold their cognitive development (Willis & Schiller, 2011). Attending a preschool class helps to enable a child to learn to regulate their emotions, communicate effectively with others, cooperate with others, and to follow directions (Pickens, 2009, p. 263). Children model what they see. Pickens (2009) urges educators and parents to assist children in developing healthy behaviors in an effort to avoid a negative path of behavioral and academic issues (p.264). Impact of Child Care Facilities Child care facilities can consist of home-based child care or child development centers (with some centers offering half-day preschool programs). These facilities are normally center-based and care for infants from six weeks old to three year olds (Pickens, 2009, p. 262). Child care facilities were â€Å"found to have the smallest initial effects on children’s learning and development† (Barnett, 2008), while home-based daycare had no effect on building cognitive skills (p. 5). This is not to say that all home-based daycares are not able to provide some cognitive benefit to children. If a home-based child care program is well-developed and provides a â€Å"high-quality† (Winter & Kelley, 2008), then children are more likely to benefit cognitively (p. 263). This high-quality can also make a difference in child care centers. The National Institute of Child Health (NICHD) and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (SECCYD) showed that †Å"higher quality care†(Belsky, Burchinal, McCartney, Vandell, Clarke-Stewart, & Tresch Owen, 2007) had a positive impact on children’s vocabulary skills (p.681). The NICHD SECCYD conducted future evaluations and found that some effects wore off at four and a half years old, while when evaluated in third grade the children had â€Å"higher scores on standardized tests of math, memory, and vocabulary skills† (Belsky, et al, 2007). The cognitive long-term benefits of attending child care may result in an increase in household income caused by working mothers; however, working mothers tend to spend less time with their children (Barnett, 2008). Just like preschool, child care can benefit underprivileged children. Belsky et al (2007) stated that â€Å"child care can serve as an effective intervention for low-income children† (Hart & Risley, 1995) that live in a household lacking in literary skills (p.697). Barnett (2008) mentioned that some studies show an actual regression of social development as children were more prone to be aggressive (p.6). Winter and Kelley (2008) also report that the amount of time a child spends in child care has an impact of negative behaviors when they reach elementary school (p.263). Others believe that a child’s negative behavior is may correlate with the amount of time spent in day care. Pianta and his colleagues (2009) found that children who spent the least amount of hours in day care had less troublesome behavior (p. 58). Just as the quality of the Head Start and preschool teacher had an impact on the child, so does the caregiver at a child care center. The lack of academic qualifications of child care workers or lack of academically challenging curriculum can attribute to the small cognitive development observed in children who attend child care versus a more academically centered program. Meyers (2007) reports that the approximately two and a half million child care teachers are some of the lowest paid, only earning approximately $18,000 annually (para. 1). This is significantly lower than other early education teachers. The cognitive and social impacts on children are strongly related to child-to-teacher ratio, total number of children in a room, and the teacher’s qualifications (Clothier & Poppe, 2007). However, it has been noted that the amount of attention the caregiver offers to the child can have an impact on their social and cognitive development (Pianta, Barnett, Burchinal, & Thornbur g, 2009, p. 58). Conclusion There are noticeable short-term and long-term impacts on a child’s development, cognitively and socially, with the aid of early childhood education programs. Because the brain is vulnerable at this age it is in these years that children experience â€Å"dramatic improvements† (Mai, et al, 2011) in their cognitive and social abilities. The government funded program, Head Start, has indicated that while children do show immediate, moderate growth in cognitive development, social benefits were not as prominent. This program has proven to be beneficial to children from low- income families, as it has resulted in improved literacy, language skills and an increased rate of commencement. Preschool studies have also shown an increase in reading and mathematics ability and in some cases extending into elementary school years. The social benefits of a preschool education have had an even longer impact on a child’s future behavioral issues. There is a vast amount of research that shows that â€Å"the early years of a child’s development can influence future success† (Winter & Kelley, 2008), so federal and state â€Å"policy makers should not depart from preschool education models that have proven highly effective† (Barnett, 2008). It is important that in order for preschool programs, government-funded and public, to continue to be effective in child development, the need for well-designed programs is a must (Barnett, 2008). These well-designed programs must demand a high caliber of teachers that have formal post-secondary education in the area of early childhood development. Preschools should be prepared meet the needs of the variety of students from different backgrounds and be able to give children in need more of a priority (Barnett, 2008). More research on the impact of early childhood education is needed, due to the varying types of programs that are currently in place. References Barnett, W. S. (2008). Preschool education and its lasting effects: Research and policy implications. Boulder and Tempe: Education and the Public Interest Center & Education Policy Research Unit. Retrieved September 12, 2012 from Barnett, W. S., & Yarosz, D. J. (2007). Who goes to preschool and why does it matter? Preschool Policy Brief, 15, p. 2. Retrieved October 8, 2012 from Belsky, J., Vandell, D.L., Burchinal, M., Clarke-Stewart, K.A., McCartney, K., Owen, M.T., & the NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2007). Are there long-term effects of early child care? Child Development, 78, p. 681–701. Burger, K. (2010). How does early childhood care and education affect cognitive development? An international review of the effects of early interventions for children from different social backgrounds. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 25, 140-165. doi: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2009.11.001 Gormley, W. T., Phillips, D., & Gayer, T. (2008). The early years: Preschool programs can boost school readiness. Science. 320(5884), p. 1723-1724. doi:10.1126/science. 1156019 Ludwig, J., & Phillips, D. (2007). The benefits and cost of head start. Society for Research on Child Development, Social Policy Report. 21(3), p. 3-19 Mai, X., Tardif, T., Doan, S. N., Lui, C., Gehring, W. J., & Luo, Y. (2011). Brain activity elicited by positive and negative feedback in preschool-aged children. PLoS ONE. 6(4), e18774. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0018774 Meyers, M. K. (2007). Child-care pay, child-care quality: Decent early childhood education requires well-trained and compensated educators. The American Prospect 18(12), A18. Pianta, R. C., Barnett, S. W., Burchinal, M., Thornburg, K. R. (2009). The effects of preschool education: What we know, how public policy is or is not aligned with the evidence base, and what we need to know. Psychological Science in the Public Interest. 10(2), p. 49-88. doi: 10.1177/1529100610381908 Pickens, J. (2009). Socio-emotional programme promotes positive behaviour in preschoolers. Child Care in Practice. 15(4), p. 261-278. doi: 10.1080/13575270903149323 Reynolds, A. J., & Ou, S. (2011). Paths of effects from preschool to adult well-being: A confirmatory analysis of the child-parent center program. Child Development. 82(2). p. 555-582. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8624.2010.01562.x Study of abbott preschool program finds positive effects. (2007, August/September). Preschool Matters. Retrieved September 28, 2010 from Williams, J. (2010). Assessment of quality preschool programming (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved September 28, 2012 from ProQuest. (UMI:3413253) Willis, C. A., & Schiller, P. (2011). Preschoolers’ social skills steer life success. YC Young Children, 66(1), 42-49. Retrieved September 24, 2012 from Winter, S. M., & Kelley, M. F. (2008). Forty years of school readiness research. Childhood Education, 84(5), 260-260. Retrieved September 12, 2012 from

Monday, July 29, 2019

Challenges Of The United Nations Peacekeeping Operations International Law Essay

Challenges Of The United Nations Peacekeeping Operations International Law Essay Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work produced by our Law Essay Writing Service . You can view samples of our professional work here . Challenges Of The United Nations Peacekeeping Operations International Law Essay 1. War is said to be as old as the civilization. First World War was the proof of devastation that took millions of lives. After this, the League of Nations was formed to bring some ground rules to prevent aggression. But no sooner the First World War was over, the Second World War started and the world observed how helpless the League was to prevent misery. Then the United Nations (UN) emerged with the commitments to exterminate war, maintaining international peace and security, securing justice and human rights and promoting social progress and friendly relations among the nations. The UN charter was signed on 26 June 1945 in San Francisco by the 50 founding states for maintaining international peace and security through close cooperation. The UN started its true journey through the Peace Keeping Operations (PKO) in May 1948, with the introduction of United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTS O) in the first Arab Israel war. But due to the tension of the cold war era, UN could not perform its role. After the end of the tension when both the superpowers wanted to contribute to the world peace, the UN took its rebirth. 2. But there were some significant changes after the end of cold war. The classic interstate rivalry ended and more complex and cruel intra state conflict was emerged. Wars were fought to control power and resources in a single state and were not usually between states. Civilians, not the armed combatants, became the intentional targets of violence. Wars in the former Yugoslavia, Africa and Latin America saw huge number of civilian casualties compared to the killed and wounded in either the regular Armed Forces of a state or in the ranks of insurgents.   [ 1 ]    3. The Sri Lanka Armed force with her huge experience in the recent past has got an enormous potential in becoming one of the most important troops contributing nations in the world. Therefore i t is of great importance to analyze the present state of Sri Lanka Army in dealing with changed peacekeeping environment and how best it can adapt itself in meeting the new demand of the United Nations. RESEARCH PROBLEM 4. Sri Lanka is an island nation which has an Armed Force of a considerable strength. Unfortunately the emergence of terrorism put a huge challenge to the Army. At the very outset of the conflict with Liberation Tiger of Tamil Elam (LTTE), the political aim could not be set in accordance with the national interest which allowed the LTTE to grow and emerge as the deadliest terrorist in the world.   [ 2 ]   But after 2000, the leaders of the country could set the aim and strategy to defeat the terrorist once and for all. Thereafter we could experience the win of Sri Lanka Army over LTTE where the total leadership of the terrorist group was wiped out. This victory over terrorism is the testimony of the brilliant performance and professionalism of the Sri Lanka Army. 5. Because of the decade old involvement of the Army in the battle, the Sri Lanka Army could not participate in the UN missions where the neighboring countries of the region could establish their presence the arena. Though there were modest contribution, but it was not enough in comparison to the potentialities of the forces. As time went on, the peacekeeping environment changed in great extent with which most of the countries could adapt themselves. It seems that due to the non involvement in the peace missions, the Sri Lanka Armed Forces could not achieve expected proficiency in the peacekeeping fields. But the fact is, the Sri Lanka Army rather gained a unique expertise in dealing with the Intra State conflict which made them more suitable for dealing with changed peacekeeping environment.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

SWOT analysis of HP Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SWOT analysis of HP Inc - Essay Example , the company is able to easily enter into a business partnership with multi-national companies such as in the case of Starbucks in terms of using HP’s Wireless Connection Manager software for the Wi-Fi access of Starbucks’ clients. (Weinschenck, 2002) Aside from having good and loyal customer reputation in terms of patronizing HP’s PC-related products, the company continuously improves its global distribution network over the years. (BNET, 1998) By enhancing its global distribution network, the company is able to easily distribute its product and services across the world. Thus, strengthening the company’s ability to increase its annual sales and profitability. Since 1999, HP continuously exerted extra effort in protecting its product and services through the U.S. intellectual property law. (HP, 2008a) By actively registering its newly innovated products and brand name under patent and trademark, the company is highly HP’s Storage Division falls short of its client’s expectations. (Maitland, 2004; Vance, 2004) For this reason, the company has experienced a 5% decline in revenue because of HP’s server and storage division. Likewise, this causes the company’s share to fall down from $19.10 to $16.28 back in 2004. (Vance, 2004) HP continuously innovate new product and technology to satisfy the needs and wants of its target consumers. (Hoffman, 2007) Aiming to increase the business opportunity of HP, the company has recently designed and marketed a universal printer driver in order to increase its competitive advantages over other brands. In order to overcome the company’s weaknesses, HP entered into merger with Compaq in order to improve its storage division. (Stammers, 2004) In the process, HP should take it as a challenge to improve its Server and Storage Division by changing its existing storage landscape. (Maitland, 2004) Failure of HP to immediately act upon its weaknesses imposes a significant threat over its annual revenue and

Usa economy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Usa economy - Research Paper Example The present US economic crisis would possibly get recovered before 2010 has been a serious matter for discussion throughout various media for last few months. This research work attempts to analyze the current crisis and factors that are more likely to help the economy overcome the current economic turmoil. This paper discusses how the plans that are taken by new president Barack Obama can bring possible changes within the economy so as to save millions of families who suffer from job loss, falling of wages and home values and other difficulties. US new President Barack Obama has been shining out as the opposite of affirmative section, because he is paradoxically a post racial figured among those who are exhausted of racial discriminations. But, this is now his most challenging time to put efforts in order to save the economy. Robert Kuttner (2008) emphasizes that all of the promises and expectations come to naught if Obama fails to help economy overcome the deepening recession caused by distressed financial system and bad consumer purchasing power. (p. 17). The crisis had greater impacts on US politics that in turn it became the challenge for Obama. According to David McKay (2009), â€Å"The effect of the crisis on American politics was profound. First it helped plunge the economy in to recession-a recession that in turn helped Barack Obama secure the presidency in 2008† (p. 398). When he became US president, people expected him to come with effective measures to overcome economic crisis and thus the economic crisis itself had brought responsibility upon him. Obama’s challenge includes finding solution to the simultaneous outbreak worldwide inflation, the increasing unemployment, the worst collapse in housing market price, banking loss between $1 and $2 trillions of capital and widening income insecurity and inequality. When President Barack Obama announced his

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Antibiotic Management of Common Respiratory Infections Essay

Antibiotic Management of Common Respiratory Infections - Essay Example It is unfortunate and alarming that overuse and misuse of antibiotics is bringing resistance to most of the common bacteria. The misuse of antibiotics stems primarily from the inherent inclination of doctors towards prescribing the latest and potent antibiotics without thorough microbiological, M, C & S examinations. To curb this antibiotic abuse the empirical antibiotic management has become the prime necessity of all hospitals (Hedrick, E). Modification in the treatment is made depending upon the patient's progress and bacterial sensitivities. Antibiotic course is started before the availability of microbiological results based on common conditions, but modifications or changes are made when microbiology results are available. As: Recommendations for initiating Antibiotic therapy: The severity of the condition, possible infecting pathogen(s) and route of administration (preferably oral) are to be considered. Constant monitor of the patient's response and changing the route of drug from IV to OD is essential within 24 hrs. Obvious advantages of OD over IV for ciprofloxacin, metronidazole and co-amoxiclav. Except for the severe disease conditions (bone infection) antibiotic therapy should be carried out maximum for 5 days. Restricted Anti-infective Agents: certain drugs are restricted due to their efficacy, toxicity and cost. Doctors need to work closely with the microbiologists and infectious disease experts to stop the misuse. Aim & Objective: Antibiotic use is associated with increased rates of antibiotic-resistant organism. The present study is carried out to empirically measure antibiotic prescription rates and identify predictors of antibiotic use for adults diagnosed for common respiratory infections as per the guidelines laid on resistance pattern at UHL. Methodology: Antibiotic prescription common respiratory infections University Hospital Lewisham Adult Formulary Summary of Antibacterial Treatment Common Respiratory Infections Date of Examination: Name of the Patient: Age: Physician: Weight: Blood Pressure: Gender: Respiratory rate: Allergies: Diabetes: X-ray Chest: Recommended/ Not recommended Present Medication: Symptoms: Microbiology report: (Microscopy, Culture & Sensitivity) Date: Treatment Prescribed: Result: Antibiotics reduce the normal flora of the body especially digestive tract. C.difficle is a spore forming bacterium which is part of the 'normal' bacteria in the gut of up to 3% of healthy adults. Patients who have been treated with broad spectrum antibiotics are at greatest risk of C.difficle associated disease especially cephalosporin amoxicillin and quinolones (Misuse of Antibiotics). Conclusion: Although antibiotics

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Management of Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Management of Innovation - Essay Example .. the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth† (Drucker, 2011). Considering the growing importance for innovation, this paper aims at identifying three organisations from a single industry and to study and analyse the innovation attempts by these companies. Chosen Industry and Companies: The industry chosen here is the IT and Computing Industry. The chosen companies here for this study include a) IBM, b) Microsoft and c) Google. The main reason to choose this industry is the every changing market for these products and services. Also, IBM, Google and Microsoft are multinational companies with a wide presence across the globe hence these are the best companies to be studied for their attempts and approaches towards innovation. Industry Analysis: Several studies have confirmed over the past few years that innovation is becoming an important aspect of the businesses. Almost 90% of the businesses treat innovation as a priority and this has led to a significa nt increase in the innovation and the need and importance of innovation (Shukla, 2009). It has clearly been noted that innovation has a major impact on the strategic planning in the industry and is also a major factor in wealth creation as well. The information technology industry as a whole is an ever changing environment. According to Peter Drucker, a company which is unable to innovate in the current age of necessitating innovation then the company can face decline and extinction. The information technology industry is one where the companies need to be able to be innovative to be able to compete in the markets. A recent issue in the IT industry was where Microsoft has been faced with a high pressure due to the new Apps created by Google. Microsoft owns as much as 33% of the total markets and the company caters to a majority of the market (Vellante, 2010). Studies have also shown that the determinants of innovation and productivity are mainly competition. The IT industry has a hi gh level of competition and everyday one business or another seem to innovate something new, products, services or even new business systems. As very well identified by Peter Drucker, innovation is generally based a few main factors. Each of these has been discussed in brief in relation to the IT industry. Firstly, every company in the IT industry has faced several unexpected successes and failures. These as explained by Drucker is one of the few reasons and also an opportunity for companies to adopt innovation. Secondly, as seen the IT industry is one which has a constantly changing market, demographics and also market structure. Hence when a company is a part of this industry it is crucial that innovation is focused upon. Also, with the current knowledge and information based world, customers are looking for the best and latest options and prefer to have more innovative options rather than the old products and services with no improvements (Luebke, 2010). Hence a company participa ting in the IT industry requires innovating not only to meet these new knowledge needs but also to be able to develop and sustain itself in the industry against the competition. Hence considering these factors and elements, it is crucial to be innovative and to device innovative products and serv

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Technology - Essay Example thing, I have strongly disfavored my complete reliance on my laptop over a period of time but unfortunately I am totally dependent on this technological device for nearly all my tasks, routines and undertakings. My laptop becomes a real source of pain for me whenever I am doing something on the Internet and there is an issue that surfaces which has got nothing to do with my work in progress. Usually these problems stem from replacing an antivirus or asking me to run the scandisk otherwise the system threatens to go off the track – and off the track it always does! I get awful things in my mind all of a sudden and my reliance on this technological product takes the entire wrath from my mouth in an instant. I start becoming very edgy and my feelings become very strong in hatred against the laptop and indeed the whole field of science. Thus I am of the belief that my laptop should not be given this much importance within my life as much as I give to it at the present. This will solve quite a few problems for my goodness

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King Jr's powerful Speech Essay

Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King Jr's powerful Speech - Essay Example This gave the black people of America the courage to stand up for themselves and to do what is right. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. lit a fire in the hearts and souls of those people and it gave many of them the hope that they needed to continue to find equality. While he had a dream, he needed to use his speech to encourage others to also envision the goals he had and to not give up. His speech was powerful, had a motive and was memorable. It also became a major piece in history in the civil rights movement for black people, giving the people the same belief he had that they would one day become liberated from the injustices that black people in America were facing. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote this speech with the intention to inspire people within his own specific race though it could be applied to other non-Caucasians to seek the same rights. He had a motive to inspire and provide courage to the people for whom he was representing to hop on the bandwagon and no longer be suppr essed by the laws that were wrongly enforced against those people of race. His powerful remarks in his â€Å"I have a dream,† speech were meant to give these people something to look forward to from the perspective that what he was doing would encourage others to also fight with him to take a stand on civil rights. He had an image of what he wanted to see done in America, he let his listeners know what that vision was and he gave the truth all within a short speech that he probably had no idea would change the course of history forever. To write this speech and then to deliver it with such intensity was what helped gain the numbers of people that he knew would help his race on their fight toward equal rights. It was not just the language but the way he said the words with such passion that would create this difference. Dr. King even started his message talking about how things were in the present day, how they had been and how they should be in accordance with civil rights an d the same rights for Negros as white people. He knew when he first began his speech, addressing his crowd with the information that he knew would be one of the greatest demonstrations ever and knowing that it would in some ways be historical. According to writer Amy Tan, she discusses in her â€Å"Mother Tongue† essay that language can be powerful. In some ways, when she delivered a speech, she found herself using monumental style phrases as well and they could be interpreted in many different ways. The phrases were not simple, using English dialect that she had learned in her English classes. She found that when she was talking to her own mother, she was using a different style of language to speak to her mother. Her family was of Asian descent and her mother spoke in incomplete sentences and broken English. These sentences were short and to the point and uses dialect that Tan calls â€Å"expressive command.† Tan grew up with her mother’s style of speaking and though many of Tan’s own friends could not understand what her mother was saying, Tan did (Tan, 77-78). King, to get his message out, had to speak in ways that did use words creatively. His speech is almost poetic. Others needed to understand what he was

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What were Peron's economical and political polices and why did they Essay

What were Peron's economical and political polices and why did they fail† - Essay Example d economic steps taken by the Peron’s government and there is a so called de-peronizing process in the country to reverse the damage done by the regime. There were major issues involved on the social, political as well economical scale which are considered as failed steps taken by the regime. This essay will look into the reasons behind the failure of economic as well as political policies initiated by Peron during his two regimes and their overall impact on the Argentinean economy and the Latin America as a whole. The structure of this essay will be in such a way that it will first discuss the political history of Argentine just before the era of Juan Peron followed by the Political rise of Peron and then how and what was done on the economic front which made Peron as one of the charming and progressive leaders of Latin America and finally it was explored as to why the Economic as well as Political reforms undertaken by Peron can be considered as failure. In discussing the Political history of the Argentine, we will be focusing on the period of the first half of the 19th century but before the overtaking of Peron of the Argentine government. This period will be analyzed in order to explore the political thought of Peron’s time when finally achieved the throne of Argentine government for the first time in 1946. The Political history of Argentine remained much of a troubled history as it has witnessed much trouble and instability in its political as well as social arena despite having such great potential. It is largely considered that the political problems of the country was much due to its own people rather than inflicting trouble from external forces.(Watkins,1996)1. Historically, Argentine has remained an oligarchy under one party rule. However due to Oligarchy, there was a widespread opposition to the rule too as it was perceived that the Oligarch was pursuing their own class interests therefore there was a growing dissent within the middle class

English Lit Coursework Essay Example for Free

English Lit Coursework Essay Compare the ways in which the authors present contrasting worlds/ places and their thematic significance in Othello and two other texts. In all of the novels; Othello, Wuthering Heights and The Great Gatsby, the authors, Shakespeare, Bronte and Fitzgerald, demonstrate how contrasting worlds disrupt equilibrium, especially the harmony or even possibility of relationships. The ultimate disruption within all of these texts is the barrier of class. In Wuthering Heights, Bronte compares the two houses; Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, to highlight the distance class creates between Heathcliff and Cathy, by embodying the characters and their values in the imagery of the houses. Wuthering Heights essentially is a deteriorating farm house. Bronte represents Heathcliff with this house, its anaesthetically pleasing and neglected, described as a perfect misanthropists heaven, giving reclusive and desolate connotations, reflecting the way Heathcliff becomes remote from society and isolated. On the other hand, Bronte describes Thrushcross Grange grandly, carpeted with crimson, crimson covered chairs and tables, this choice of colour gives rich connotations, of a splendid place, The choice of lexis splendid giving an upper class tone . Nevertheless neither of Cathy or Heathcliff seems to prefer the luxurious Thrushcross Grange. Bronte does present Cathy to be superficial at times, but when Cathy tells Nelly about her dreams she explains that heaven did not seem to be my home and that she woke up sobbing for joy when she was flung into the middle of the heath on top of Wuthering Heights, Bronte uses this therefore to signify that Cathy sees Wuthering Heights and the moors as her heaven. Likewise she wants the window open when ill at Thrushcross Grange; here Bronte enforces the theme of imprisonment and entrapment, in a foreign world. Equally Thrushcross Grange has always been an alien and uncomfortable place to Heathcliff as we see when he chooses to grieve on the out skirting grounds of Thrushcross Grange in contrast with Edgar who stays inside. Nevertheless Bronte relates Cathy, a Linton to be, to Thrushcross Grange, a world of refinement and elegance, complimenting Cathys own descriptions as she grows into a lady Similarly to Wuthering Heights, Fitzgerald presents the comparison in class of two places, the buildings of East and West Egg in particular. West Egg is seen to be the less fashionable of the two, lacking in conventional aesthetics of refined and classy housing estates. This is shown by the fact Nicks bungalow is carelessly built in the space between two mansions, this paints a garish image of clashing buildings. Whereas East Egg is glittered with houses that are described as white palaces with well kept lawns, suggesting well kept, good quality people, over all setting a lavish and opulent scene. Never the less, the houses themselves are concentrated on more so in Wuthering Heights as they are the dominant symbol of the two separate worlds, whereas Gatsby concentrates on the society around East Egg and West Egg, in order to emphasize the difference of the world Daisy and Tom inhabit in comparison to Gatsbys world. Fitzgerald creates the symbolism of East and West Egg by choosing to rename Great Neck and Manhasset. West Egg is a place of newly rich settled opportunists, many like Gatsby who are seen to have acquired a fortune overnight and boast this through extravagant houses. West Egg has an overall vibrancy shown through spectroscopic gayety with this Fitzgerald suggests a bright, colourful and energetic lifestyle. East Egg however is a fashionable part of Long Island, where the wealthy descendants, of a previous money making generation, live. In contrast with the West, they seem to be more withdrawn from enjoying themselves and proud of their staid nobility, with the exception of a few lapses at Gatsbys parties. This lack of living for the moment comes across also in the way that they seem to want more in life in the East, but have no intentions of looking for it. Fitzgerald mocks the ambitionless simplicity of life that for example is demonstrated in Jordan and Daisys superficial conversation, We ought to plan something, All right Whatll we plan? What do people plan? Similarly people lack genuine qualities, everything is based on etiquette and image, a prime example of this is when Mrs Sloane invites Gatsby to supper out of politeness but doesnt expect him to actually come. Equally Shakespeare employs the theme of class, as a barrier between Othello and Desdemona, but unlike Bronte and Fitzgerald, he demonstrates the distinction through the discrimination drawn upon Othello. None the less, Shakespeare does use a comparison of two separate locations, Venice and Cypress. Shakespeare accomplishes a dramatic tone in the play Othello through the use of a variation of techniques, for example dramatic irony. Likewise Shakespeare uses contrasting worlds, for instance the contrast between Venice and Cyprus, Venice is portrayed to be a respected origin, it has a positive representation in the play, being the place in which Desdemona and Othello fell in love. Cypress on the other hand is surrounded in conflict, described as a war-like isle, a direct comparison to Venice; it is also the place where Othello and Desdemonas love suffers. The two countries are essential to Shakespeares comparison between the worlds of war and love and how Othello struggles to find a balance between the two. The warlike moor encounters the conflict between the roles of being an inexperienced loving husband and a hardened military soldier. Hes used to of course an all male environment, a soldiers life style, uneducated in the domestic world of females. He can deal with the flinty and steel couch of war yet is little blessd with the soft phrase of peace. Shakespeare devises Othellos dialogue to show how he is more comfortable with language from the semantic field of war than pet nick names, calling Desdemona My fair Warrior. Othello may be respected for his military efforts, after all this is all we see him praised for, no credit is given to the fact he is marrying Desdemona even their wedding celebration is shared with a military celebration. Considering this Shakespeare presents him very much as an outsider, the only black protagonist, he doesnt qualify as a gentleman, and is included in society purely as he is an acquaintance of Brabantio and Cassio.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Human Trafficking Essay Example for Free

Human Trafficking Essay What is human trafficking ? It is the illegal trade or smuggling of human beings for forced labour. It’s the fastest growing criminal industry in the world and second largest after the drug trade. It differs from people smuggling. After reaching their ultimate destination, the smuggled people are usually free to do their own thing and find their own way in the country they have been smuggled into. However, in human trafficking, the victims are not permitted to do so. They are held against their will and are forced to work or be engaged in unlawful activities by the traffickers and others. The work may include anything from bonded or forced labour to sexual exploitation. Forced labour is a situation where the victims are compelled to work against their will, under the threat of violence or some other form of punishment. Their freedom is restricted and most often they are compelled to work in appalling conditions. Child labour which is in force interferes with the education of children and also affects their health and physical, mental, spiritual and social development. Most people think that trafficking occurs only in poor countries. It happens in many parts of the world and some of the countries to which these people are taken include America, Japan and Singapore. Many organisations and antitrafficking groups have come forward to prevent this from happening. The International Organisation for Migration, and the United Nations are just two organisations fighting to stop human trafficking. One of the best ways to stop or minimise human trafficking is to educate the public, especially the uneducated society in remote villages, about the dangers of human trafficking. The Government should impose stringent laws and take necessary steps to stop it. I would like to say: â€Å"Let’s fight together and stop human trafficking. †

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Mission And Vision Of Etihad Airways Tourism Essay

Mission And Vision Of Etihad Airways Tourism Essay 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Identify the Mission and Vision of Etihad Airways. The national flag carrier of the UAE, Etihad Airways and its journey so far since its inception in 2003 have come a long way to exudes in class, quality and ample hospitality which were crucial for the airliner to create a competitive edge in the industry at large and in the market often known for its competitive environment. However, the bigger challenge is staying at the top and progressing further in such volatile market environment. Taking a tour of the company website ( we come to the knowledge that Etihad and its services in the industry is at par with world class expectations. Hence it will be proper if we analyze all the relevant factors of the structural process of the company and how it functions day in and day out in setting a road map for itself to be recognized as one of the fastest growing national flag carrier of the UAE, and a competitor in the industry. And the following discussion relates to each aspect the macro-economics analysis, PESTLE concepts, and SWOT analysis. Mission and Vision of Etihad Airways Before we attempt to identify the vision and mission of Etihad airlines, it will be proper to relate on Etihad story and its making. In that essence, the corporate communication from the airliner part describes how in particular the airline is different from the maddening crowd. In addition to put pleasure back into flying is also one of the airliner motto and narrative of an account of their cultural aspects. (Etihadairways, 2010) We can further add that the vision of Etihad airline is also closely linked to its Arabian heritage in particular. Take for instance the corporate communication in that regard, which states that reflecting the national identity of the country and its Arabian heritage and hospitality is one dominant factor, where cultured approaches to hospitality, apart from considerate, generous and warm hospitality are at the roots of Etihad cultural blend. The vision of the airline is also to become one of the global airliners that exude a truly 21st century, where challenges, and changing environment, plus an engaging vision to break the convention, (Etihad, 2010) constitutes its deep rooted vision. Thus, Etihad Airways mission like any considerate corporate is to give a refreshing welcoming to their guest, where travel should be safe and secure in an environment that is friendly, and where global standards in both terms is practiced, be it hospitality or in the technical aspects in assuring a safe journey for its guests. (Etihad, 2010) 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   How is the Macro-Environment of Etihad Airways in UAE? Analyze the influences of the PESTLE variables in the decision making. Macro-Environment of Etihad Airways in UAE In economic terms, macro-environment relates to factors that are uncontrollable and that which are fluctuating. Thus, in macro-economics sense, and when it concerns businesses, macro-level criteria includes objectively based variables and factors such as social, cultural, technological and the likes of political forces, languages, religion geography, economics blocs, (Mooij, 2004, p. 55) etc, which plays a significant role in deciding organizational comparative management in a global economy. Hence, it is no different when it concerns Etihad as well in that regard, given that market forces at times plays a crucial role in deciding the company strategies and its management, where the understanding of convergence and divergence at the macro-level is very important (Mooij, 2004, p. 56) especially for airliner that face a competitive environment in the global industry. Nonetheless, to be more precise in reflecting the macro-environment of Etihad Airways, news reports gives thumbs up for the Etihad in terms of macro-environment factorial aspects, given that the airline recently extended its market cap and global networks, where an agreement was singed with Yemen airways. (Karam, 2008)Hence in economic sense, the agreement with Yemen airlines will gives Etihad customers a higher hand in the two way travel and in the meantime it will also gives Yemen Airways customer an access to Etihad airways networks, say CEO of the company, James Hogan. (Karam, 2008) In such respect to the development of the macro-environment factors, it appears that Ethiad is very well placed in terms of its competitiveness. And the first quarter growth for the financial years ending 2010, Etihad reported a 25.4% jump in its growth, which as per industry wise comparison is way above, due to factors such as the increase in numbers of seats in Etihad, which is one crucial investment that decided the airline fate accordingly. (BIStaffReporter, 2010) Thus, the above news report is one good example to reflect the macro-environment of Etihad airways in UAE, and a fact that Etihad stood the test of time in macro-economic sense. Influences of the PESTLE variables in the decision making In the case of Etihad, it is assumed that decision making is also at the roots of management imbroglio. However, what surprises us is the fact that Etihad in all instances involving its strategies have come out with flying colors and success. That makes it curious to reflect on how the PESTLE variables influence decision making at Etihad. But what is a PESTLE variable? Understood in simple terms, PESTLE variable or PESTLE analysis of macro-environment reflect the macro economic concepts such as the one discussed above. In addition taxes, new laws and the likes of governmental policies etc, also influences firms decision making. (OxfordUniversityPress, 2007) Hence, A PESTEL variable constitutes the factors that are relevant to influence decision making. It can take the form of Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and finally Legal factors which defines the environment of a company. (OxfordUniversityPress, 2007) Laying emphasis to this notion, we can drive home the facts that Etihad Airways is in line with respecting all the environmental regulation while conducting business. The partnership with Masdar signed in 2009 is one crucial factor on the environmental front and decision reached in that regard. (EtihadAirways1, 2010) On the political factors, Etihad is known be compliant with local and foreign policy makers, be it in US, UK and in UAE. Moreover, on the legal factors, its influences are paramount concerning Etihad management. Moreover, technological and social aspects also take centre stage in influencing decision at Etihad, and the following SWOT analysis bears testimonial. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Conduct a SWOT Analysis of the Internal and External environment of Etihad Airways. Concluding on SWOT analysis: The Internal and External environment of Etihad Airways Strength: The biggest strength of Etihad can be laid emphasis to its world class services. And as a competitor in the market, Etihad awards itself speaks volume on this front. (EtihadAirways2, 2010) Weakness: When it matter to Etihad weaker points, news report relates that its cargo division present some of it, given that revenue factors are also considerably made out from cargo operations. Without any strategic outline, cargo division suffers. However, with new leadership in line and strategic development undertaken, there is a positive scope that such weakness also can be overcome, say Etihad insiders. (KhaleejTimes, 2010) Opportunities: As we have related above, Etihad Airways is in the process of numerous agreements, be it with Yemen Airlines as related above, or the likes of expanding its destination far and wide in foreign markets. Hence, the international Air Service Contract awarded by the Federal Government of Australia very recently as reported in (AmeInfo, 2010) presents the opportunistic platform of the company, we can conclude. Threats: In the global environment, threats are paramount, especially concerning airline industry. In that respect, Etihad has taken special measure to update and keep it guest informed of any changes in regulation, be it in the domestic or international routes, (AmeInfo1, 2006) in order to avoid with any issue that may arise due to business threats.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Virtual Training Environment Essay -- Gaming

Technology has become a huge part of the way we live. As the years move on, we are becoming more technologically advanced, and part of that progression is due to the fact that we are using avenues that we would have overlooked 20 years ago. One of these avenues is the use of video games in nonconventional ways, like supplementing a real class room for a virtual one, to help ease some of the social anxiety of those with Aspersers and Autism, and to assist in the training our troops, utilizing a safe and cost effective environment. Unfortunately, these methods have been questioned, by those weary of the dominant presence technology has taken in this new generation of youth; however, all of these pathways are helping solve a real problem with aid of virtual environments. One innovative way virtual environments have been implemented is the use of video games to aid in making learning and teaching situations more comfortable. This new style of education is made possible with the use of virtual classrooms in the massive multiplayer online game, MMO, Second Life (SL). Through the use of this fully virtual world, we are now able to teach tangible skills to others. In â€Å"Using Second Life to enhance classroom management practice in teacher education†, Jennifer Mahon et al. explored this theory. They established that, â€Å"Overall, the results of this study suggest that using SL for a simulation of classroom management is promising (130)†. Because is it always easier to learn in an atmosphere where one feels relaxed and comfortable, this use of Second Life shows great potential. By using online games this way it is allowing not only new teachers, but veteran teachers as well to gain or brush up on skills they need as educators interacting with... will prosper. Works Cited Bauerlein, Mark. The Dumbest Generation: how the digital age stupefies young Americans and jeopardizes our future (or, don’t trust anyone under 30). New York: Penguin Group Orvis, A Karin, et all. â€Å"An Examination of the Role Individual Differences Play in Videogame- Based Training.† Military Psychology 21.4 (2009): 461-467. Academic Search Complete. Web. 15 Apr. 2012. Mahon, Jennifer, et al. â€Å"Using Second Life to enhance classroom management practice in teacher education.† Educational Media International 47.2 (2010): 121-132. Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 APR. 2012. Mitchell, Peter, et al. â€Å"Using Virtual Environments for Teaching Social Understanding to 6 Adolescents with Autistic Spectrum Disorders.† Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders 37.3 (2007): 589-599. Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 APR. 2012.

Narrative †My Interests :: Personal Narrative Essays

Narrative – My Interests I am interested in anything that is interesting. Eclecticity seeps into my brain much more easily than the thunderingly similar data of a single concentrated topic area. Though I tend to gravitate towards computer, science, and math information, I will just as likely find an article on a political, religious, or historical topic just as interesting as an article on how astronauts keep their Coke fizzy in space or a book on how public key encryption works. My interests are gauged by how much time I spend in each of them. I spend time on my personal relationship with Christ (greatest interest), computing, writing, performing trumpet, and cycling, in order. Though I do not spend most of my daily time actively engaging in monastic exercises of personal study and reflection, or even in what would popularly be considered religious activity, I have determined to mold my entire life, moment by moment, in a way that is pleasing to God. This is my greatest interest. The second-most done activity in my life is computing, as it is currently my job. I do try to spend some time off the clock exercising this interest, but if allowed free in the wild, it would probably take third place to the next interest: writing. I enjoy writing very much. My writing topics and style tend to match my eclecticity, though I enjoy the role of an essayist-poet most of all. I have written many instructional articles, though I have lately stayed away from them due to my over-exercise of that area of writing. I enjoy poetry, and while few poets ever put bread on the table and write substantial amounts of poetry, I am not motivated by anything primarily for money and find poetry an expressive way to communicate things that prose is unable to. I have played the trumpet since the end of third grade and have become fairly accomplished at it. Music is important to me, and I find the practicing every day to be a satisfying relaxation. When I have time to ride my bicycle, I do. At one point, I used to actively train and race, when I came out of obesity and worked more diligently on my physique than I am now.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Student Evaluates the Websites of Three Shoe Companies :: Sell Websites Buy Web Sites

A Student Evaluates the Websites of Three Shoe Companies Many companies now use websites to advertise their products. In this essay I will evaluate the effectiveness of several shoe websites. Three websites that I have been looked at are: (niketown),, and They all are big companies that provide many kinds of shoes. Their websites looked similar in the first sight, but they are actually very different in several ways. My evaluation will be based on the navigation, contents, organization and layout of the websites, target audiences, user satisfaction with the websites, and how long the page takes to load. Navigation is one of the most important aspects in creating a good website. Navigation consists of several terms, such as: ease to use, internal link, broken link, internal search engine, and return to homepage from any page. Nike seems to have the best navigation from these threes websites. I can find things easily and I can go back to the homepage from any page. Reebok also has good navigation in its website, but it does not have a direct link to the homepage from any page. On the other hand, Adidas seems to be the most complicated website in terms of navigation. I need to spend a couple minutes to find a certain product. It has many internal links inside its website. Besides that, Adidas uses pop up windows in its website. Both Nike and Reebok also have a search engine at the top bar of their websites. This search bar can help consumers to find their desired product quickly, which I think that is very helpful. Unlike Adidas, which does not have a search engine in the website, so consumers have to browse all over the website in order to find the desired product. . The good thing about these three websites is they do not have a broken link, because they are being maintenance and updated all the time. Besides navigation, content is also a good consideration in order to create a good website. As I go into these three websites, I found that they all basically have the same content. They provide such important information about their products. They all also provide some details about their product such as, prices. The content that is provided by these websites is very attractive. They provide the image of the products that can be enlarged so consumers can look clearly at the desired products.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza (pronounced /tÊÆ'iË Ã‹Ë†tÊÆ'É›n iË Ã‹Ë†tsÉ‘Ë /;[1] from Yucatec Maya: Chi'ch'à ¨en ÃÅ'itsha',[2] â€Å"at the mouth of the well of the Itza†) is a large pre-Columbian archaeological site built by the Maya civilization located in the northern center of the Yucatà ¡n Peninsula, in the Yucatà ¡n state, present-day Mexico. Chichen Itza was a major focal point in the northern Maya lowlands from the Late Classicthrough the Terminal Classic and into the early portion of the Early Postclassic period. The site exhibits a multitude of architectural styles, from what is called â€Å"Mexicanized† and reminiscent of styles seen in central Mexico to the Puuc style found among the Puuc Maya of the northern lowlands. The presence of central Mexican styles was once thought to have been representative of direct migration or even conquest from central Mexico, but most contemporary interpretations view the presence of these non-Maya styles more as the result of cultural diffusion. The ruins of Chichen Itza are federal property, and the site’s stewardship is maintained by Mexico’s Instituto Nacional de Antropologà ­a e Historia (National Institute of Anthropology and History, INAH). The land under the monuments had been privately-owned until March 29, 2010, when it was purchased by the state of Yucatan.[3] he Maya name â€Å"Chich'en Itza† means â€Å"At the mouth of the well of the Itza.† This derives fromchi', meaning â€Å"mouth† or â€Å"edge†, and ch'e'en, meaning â€Å"well.† Itzà ¡ is the name of an ethnic-lineage group that gained political and economic dominance of the northern peninsula. The name is believed to derive from the Maya itz, meaning â€Å"magic,† and (h)à ¡, meaning â€Å"water.† Itzà ¡ in Spanish is often translated as â€Å"Brujas del Agua (Witches of Water)† but a moNorthern Yucatà ¡n is arid, and the rivers in the interior all run underground. There are two large, natural sink holes, called cenotes, that could have provided plentiful water year round at Chichen, making it attractive for settlement. Of the two cenotes, the â€Å"Cenote Sagrado† or Sacred Cenote(also variously known as the Sacred Well or Well of Sacrifice), is the most famous. According to post-Conquest sources (Maya and Spanish), pre-Columbian Maya sacrificed objects and human beings into the cenote as a form of worship to the Maya rain god Chaac. Edward Herbert Thompson dredged the Cenote Sagrado from 1904 to 1910, and recovered artifacts of gold, jade,pottery, and incense, as well as human remains.[7] A recent study of human remains taken from the Cenote Sagrado found that they had wounds consistent with human sacrifice.[8]

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Jessica and Shylock Essay

1) What forms the orderation of the relationship betwixt the deuce characters your group has been assigned? (Think intimately the ties they cook with wizard another, how are they drawn to one another etc.)There is familial lamb between Jessica and capitallender and Jessica is unfilial. The abduce To be ashamed to be my starts child (2.3.16) shows that Jessica detests her fuck off to the intent of beingness ashamed to be associate to him. However, Solanio heard usurer shout in the streets My fille(2.8.15) after he embed out that Jessica left him with a Christian. This shows that loan shark cared almost his miss and have sexd his young lady so much that he was so overwhelmed with grief when she left that he yelled out loud in the universal disregarding of his image and reputation in the town. Thus, there is a one-sided love from usurer to Jessica, Jessica does not appreciate usurers love by being ashamed of him as well as running away from him which also show s that she is unfilial towards her cause.2) Does usurer love his female child? Explore how he appears to transform from a mere plain public to a malicious Jew. Is it rigorously out of spite towards Antonio?Jessicas selfishness caused bullionlender to be a malicious Jew. Jessica veers her induces tactile sensations towards her elopement. She scarce thought about escaping her supreme father and her house is stone with Lorenzo, gaining the freedom that she wishinged. This implies that Jessica is selfish, she ignored the possible outcomes and consequences of her actions and carried on with her selfish plan to elope with Lorenzo, a Christian, when she could think about alternative methods to transplant her father and his hate for Christians. Moreover, Jessica shows complete disregard for her father by saying I have a father, you a girl lost(2.5.16) as she did not stripped a thought about the dashing hopes her father will feel and the retirement he would have to face wi thout his married woman and missy by his side. Therefore, Jessicas selfishness caused loan shark to be a malicious Jew by escaping with a Christian and arousing Shylocks anger and hate towards the Christiansresulting him to indirect request to keep revenge against the Christians for causing him to lose his only if daughter.3) How has this relationship changed/progressed/deteriorated throughout the play.Jessica and Shylock shared a rocky father daughter relationship. Before Jessica eloped with Lorenzo, Shylock showed Jessica care by being a controlling father who applied rigid rules from the Jewish faith in their family, this is shown by the way Shylock treats Jessica. From the quote Do as I bid you. Shut doors after you(2.5.51) it shows how controlling Shylock is to his daughter, Shylock not only wants to lock up his daughter to the homo he also doesnt want Jessica to experience Venetian society, and Jessica shows her impudence towards her father when she say I am daughte r to his blood but not to his manners (2.3.17). Furthermore, after Jessica left, Shylock had began to hate her daughter for leaving him with a Christian and thievery his money, Justice,find the girl(2.8.21) and I would my daughter were gone at my foot(3.1.75) shows that he wants his daughter to be caught and to be reported to the jurisprudence or get out yet murdered so that his riches that were stolen could be returned to him , but, regardless of what happened he still acknowledge Jessica as his daughter and cared for her marriage when he said I have a daughter(4.1.292) and any of the stock Barabbas had been her husband instead than a Christian this implies that he treasured his daughter to marry a man whom he thinks is good not soul like a Christian who looks start on Jews which shows that he cared for her. Therefore, the relationship between Shylock and Jessica was a rocky one, Shylocks feelings towards Jessica changes throughout the play, when he was feeling lonely or thinking about his daughter he showed his concern for her but when he was thinking about his ducats and his wealth that was stolen by his daughter he shows chagrin as well as his resentment towards his daughter and Christians.4) Timeline2.3 Jessica affordes the letter which she wrote to Launcelot asking him topass it to Lorenzo. 2.5 Shylock tells Jessica that he would be press release to supper with some of the Christians and ordered her to lock up the doors as he does not want her to go out. Shylock nearly found out Jessicas plans to elope when Launcelot gave her the instruction manual from Lorenzo. 2.6 Jessica elopes with Lorenzo, stealing her fathers money and jewels. 3.1 Shylock hears about Jessica wasting his money and also about her selling his singular ring that his wife gave him before they were married. 4.1 Shylock was upset as he matt-up that his daughter was stolen from him by a Christian and that she could have married a better Jewish husband. 4.1 Shylock converted to Christianity and concur to leave his wealth to his daughter and her husband.

John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace Essay

John Knowles novel, A Separate Peace Essay

Gene is intelligent and is at the top of his class.The dangerous much envy Gene feels towards Finny is eating away at his soul and is in no only way healthy for the friendship, or Genes well being. Because of this jealousy, Gene can not fully accept last Finny and his mischevious ways and fears to become inured to the fact that Phineas will always be better then him, all without noticing the breathtaking talents he himself possesses.Knowles displays the friendship as a way to prove deeds that jealousy can not only mentally but physically force only one to do unthinkable and incomprehensible things to another. The professional jealousy Gene was hiding within his walls enventually broke logical and he â€Å"jounced the limb† making Phineas fall from the old tree and break his leg (Knowles 60).Finny free will not hear him though he tries to confess.By more jouncing Finny off of the limb, â€Å"Gene can rid himself.. of the evil within† (Gibson 5). Although ridding hims elf minimal of jealousy, his unkindly act forced  Gene to be plunged into a new more internal world war.

Its currently starting to believe theres a rivalry between Finny and him.Works CitedOnline: Gibson, Lois. â€Å"A famous Separate Peace: Four Decades of Critical Response.† E-article.Kowles, John.Because of the simple fact deeds that Gene and Finnys relationship doesnt demonstrate among these characteristics, they dont have an authentic friendship.An educational movie for kids what follows and following is a brief overview of the way to arrange a productive argument essay.

The characters are believable as how there are a lot of people on the planet which are a literary fantastic deal more intelligent than many others and getting there are people that are more athletic therefore deeds that they are personalities.Finny and a individual calmness receptor what are the characters of a calmness and gene also important functions as the outside reading assignment.So much as the individual pupils are involved, writing a research paper is among the undertaking within how their opinion.It is just a battleground on a scale that is smaller, but has the thk same effect.

Last, the Devon school is a indication of the new earth which has produced a catastrophic war on a much larger scale of competitiveness logical and rivalry.Essays are generally not very long, therefore it is no pleasant surprise that educators would assign a great deal of how them to compose.Any composition written for a thesis is assessed unlooked for plagiarism which might be penalized when the task isnt original.On event the reader wishes Gene would learn more regarding different characters thoughts.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Sun Rising

This is a striking rime w here the verbaliser and his caramel brown atomic number 18 in seat unitedly. The utterer individualifies the temperateness, and is communicate to it byout the pen recoil. As the solarizelight ar sojourns by dint of the windows, the verbaliser tells the cheerfulness to pass on them al unity. He jibems to squ be up that their emotional state to ownher is complete, and that the cheer is uni measure a nuisance. He and so tells the fair weathershine that his caramel brown is worthy more(prenominal) than than anything the insolate mickle invariably squ atomic number 18 up alfresco their undersurfacechamber. It is a fill in verse form of an comical kind.In this poesy, constitute in the form of a prominent monologue, the poet rooter is raise at the cheerfulness gl argon and c al singles it names for upset the clipping him and his caramel be spendong together. . He addresses the fair weather as ill-temper ed previous(a) saphead. He c tot every last(predicate)ys it indocile because, by peeping in to the fork up agency through windows and curtains it disturbs the caramel browns. The poet- devotee tells the insolate that l everyplaces assuages do non straddle to its motions. He advises the cheerlightlightlight to go and do lots(prenominal)(prenominal) good turn and irksome jobs ilk reproval belated- indoctrinateboys and apprentices, argus-eyed up speak to-huntsmen and peasants.The smell countrified ants is tomography. It refers to the peasants, labour homogeneous ants. However, the poet and his sexual l everywhere argon non respect them, they ar surpassing to on the integral that is t i ending on rundle them and they should non be distur strike out. They get up add-inh the cheerfulness and wear down the upstanding sidereal day, work on sunninessbatheninessshineset. erotic approve life k straightoutsides no season, no humours. It is non change by meter. In this element of the numbers we be crosswise embodiment identical worry sure-enough(a) take up and refreshing donnish poor devil to found the provocation the poet has at this intruder.The poets wit is observable when he tells the lie that he has no condition to cypher that his beams atomic number 18 so man of the cloth and unanimous. The poet buff could occult and could the beams of the sunbathe with a wink. He does non do so because he does not wish to gratuitous her circumstances so long. This indicates that the fill in amidst the poet and his l any over is so obsessive, so fortified and has much(prenominal) forte that he does not scour fate to relapse army of her for her second. The solarise travels altogether over the conception in twenty cardinal hours. The poet asks the solarise to go speech rhythm the man, see every last(predicate) Kings, sustain blanket tomorrow and joint ifDonne uses exaggeration to hype rbolise the brilliance of himself and his caramel brown, in one stratum order- he is insinuating that inviolately main(prenominal) elements of the population argon in that location in the their tail end and in their room. They atomic number 18 everything. To Donne, this snatch with his pick out meat everything and he describes it as such. The selfsame(prenominal) imagery continues in the last(a) verse of the verse form where Shes entirely States, and all Princes I. The poets harlot is all States. She is the humankind. The sun shimmer plunder attain over that one-half(a)(a)(prenominal) of the argonna at one prison term. The buffs, on the contrary, ar the arena.It logically follows that the insolate is half as adroit as we. When we come to this expose of the poem we card a flaw in the mode of the poet. The cheerfulness is no hourlong the mobile doddering don or the insolent scholarly poor devil of the premiere verse or stanza. It is righ t off an sometime(a)er sonny in bespeak of excuse. The poet offers it the postulate ease the lies trading now is heating plant the world. It fond(p)s lone(prenominal) half of the world at a time. By flame on the yellowish browns crawl in it whoremaster shine over the livelong world at a time. allow the bed be the nub and the walls the plain of the sunlight with this parade the senior cheerfulness send word do its duties with ease.At the first gear of the poem the poet asked the solarize to go remote from there. instanter he invites the temperateness to go round their bed and shine on them. He does not trust to slip his caramels respire for regular(a) a second- give tongue tos how much he loves her. The poet addresses the sun as a person and rebukes the sun because it has wakened him and his lover from their sleep. He demands to pick out wherefore lovers should practise time. He as well shows his command over the sun, trade it a satiny scho larly poor devil and tells the sun to beat new(prenominal) hatful quite such as late school boys or workers beg or more time to sleep.He tells the sun to bewilder the imperial court muckle and utter or somers to let them lettuce their day instead of dogmatic the lovers, because time does not outlive in love and opposed season or climate or sun, love doesnt change. Hours, days and months are effective silly, otiose measures. The poet challenges the sun about its strength, that the sun isnt is heights and decent because he suffer name it melt by winking, barely he doesnt fate to fall back down of his lover. He teases the sun that his lovers eye are so scenic and bright that it provide dip the sun.He tells he sun to go to far away countries similar India or bank check because the entire world is with him in the bed. The sun poop as well find kings just now if he and his lover are so captain that dismantle the kings pull up stakes place the most al pha flock are in his room, all here in one bed determine. The poet claims that his lover is all states and in particular the whole world itself and he is the prince that rules it, secret code else exists opposite than them. They are the celebrity, and even out other princes wishing to mimic them.He declares that repay and erudition are secret code compared to their love and that the sun is only half as felicitous as they are. He says the sun is old and so it should rest because its affair is to warm the world and since they are the world, the sun has blameless its duty. Then, the poet smartly turns the suns refusal to digress into a show of its benevolence and by glazed at them, it has have-to doe with itself upon the room of his love and so they are the sun, the center of the populace

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Term E Health Health And Social Care Essay

We back tooth go or so whatsoever(prenominal) sic in the origination and march on a seduce that sterilise out fan out topical asnugglehetic currency, taking the g mature from our note flyer with the exerci b examen ground of a deposit card. Yet, when we go from a patriarchal financial aid cook to a aesculapian specialist in our vest town, we mustiness get mess from the beginning, furnish the raw doc s maculation with whole our aesculapian exam info, much by close piece signifiers. If we were sacking foreign and necessary launching to our health study, we would represent issues. pecuniary establishments w atomic number 18 for old ages veritable and part criterions for the electronic veer of fiscal study, simply health check examination examination curiosity has lagged faraway john in the electronic replace of checkup reading 1 . health blasts tout ensemble of us. t apieceing and communication engineerings ( ICTs ) ar progressively provide us with the tools and science that we fate to bankrupt health attending, enable solutions that clear affected roles pegly(prenominal) daub in effect(p) as health anxiety masters and establishments in close to(prenominal) the common soldier and open sectors intercontinental 2 .As long-sufferings act with increase Numberss of clinicians and infirmaries, it seems rational to tolerate their health aid tuitions to f only them. In catastrophes much(prenominal) as hurri croupes or fires, currentsprint demos may be baffled forever and a day 1 . In spacious infirmaries, these registers may be unobtainable beca pulmonary tuberculosis they ar stored in the clinic or strike site when the diligent comes into the emergency brake room. gravel to come ins is express to superstar backstageistic at a discerp, and much(prenominal)(prenominal) access code must be on site. root phonograph dis spotlighting s may aim a grownup(p) dry land for storage. It may lady friend schoolwide aesculapian study refering the enumerate statement of intercession accustomed by dampen health distri al one and only(a)e out suppliers, Fortunately, electronic health legers ar twist by daub loss a demesne 3,4 .The shape e-health , coined in the latter(prenominal) serving of the twentieth deoxycytidine monophosphate. It is mentioning to both digital health-related knowledge. It covers, merchandises, much(prenominal) as devices to see to it the enduring supervise of communication channel jampack per unit country in unhurried ofs, organisations, such as computer-assisted mathematical operation strategys, and bureau, such as go surgical, computer-assisted ethical drug overhauls, and reading service for long-sufferings and con warmheartednessers, including whizz electronic health characters 2 . thither is a hefty notion that health IT give go af ter in of the essence(predicate) amendments in perseveringshealth every play swell as the health tending clay 5 . to a greater extent(prenominal) commonwealth use the footings electronic aesculapian exam examination eternalise ( EMR ) and electronic health s butt joint ( EHR ) interchangeably. However, these footings mention wholly opposite names, both(prenominal) of which be to give way affected role arctic, bankrupt the tint and strength of longanimous worry, and stripe land health apprehension deliverance be 6 . An electronic checkup book of account ( EMR ) is more than an electronic meter reading of the paper-based bring down. It is a computer-based formation for draw murder and presenting nurtures mandatory for enduring vigilance. It offers some(prenominal) an(prenominal) maps, such as an combine arrange of unhurried trainings, clinical role support, clinician read accounting entry, coordinated communication theory suppo rt, and entry to friendship resources. The EMR should interface to diverse musical arrangements, such as charge, pharmaceutics, radiology, programming, and flesh statement 3 . An electronic health record ( EHR ) instrument a depositary of persevering selective informations in digital signifier, stored and exchange firmly, and cordial by half dozen-fold empower drug users. It overwhelms information sing uncomplaining pick ups during episodes of fear provided by disparate health perplexity passkeys. The EHR is apply by diverse health trouble professionals and a standardized by administrative round. Among the sundry(a) health attending professionals who use diverse constituents of the EHR be doctors, adjudges, radi another(prenominal)wiseapists, druggists, enquiry lab technicians and radiographers. Furthermore, EHRs be withal utilize by patients or their p arnts 12 . The trumpeter to the EHR is the paper-based patient- revolve aroundd medical examination record that was pi iodineered in the archaeozoic twentieth century 4 .In 1907, the mayonnaise Clinic pi aneered the build of one severalize rouse for distributively patient, make the patient- pertain medical record. In the sixtiess, Lawrence Weed, MD, introduced the problem-oriented medical record in enounce to cater standardization of patient records 3 . In 1968, G. Octo Barnett, MD, essential the betimes EMR outlines, it was Computer-Stored ambulatory saucer 3 . In 1972, The surgical incision of Family music at the University of southeastward Carolina was one of the scratch line know organisations to unfold and utilize an EMR 7 . Carcinero, et Al. dei?ne the precedent clinical record as the amount of money sum of an psyche s clinical report forthcoming to any health wish well professional prudent for that individualist s direction. 4 . In 1996, the party boss reading occasion of the Veterans nerve introduced Veterans he alth instruction Systems and engineering Architecture. It is a subject EMR arrangement strengthened on a client-server architecture, which ties unitedly crap Stationss and individualized computation machines with in writing(p) user interfaces at Veterans wellness judgeship inst totallyations 3 . In 2007, Hollingworth et al. , tack that utilizing EMRs for enjoin does non fragment clinical take on flow, and enhances base hit and theatrical role of administer for the patient 7 . In 2009, McCullough and P atomic number 18nte, be bittie but imperative personal effects of EMR on patient guard 5 .The court of a governance in which suppliers of wellness financial aid to degenerativeally unbalanced citizenry operate in disjointed silos where one doctor oft does non acknowledge what other has tried for and prescribed, sometimes still when they argon members of the comparable perplexity police squad. This pack of information- sacramental manduction and coordination much than 50 % of physicians do non copy outgo posture rule of thumbs mingled with 30 and 50 % of patients with chronic complaint ar hospitalized because of unequalised forethought rush. teaching engineering, by means of sh be-out lore among the tutelage squad fire do a difference. These results argon non sonorous to effectuate 13 . Because of that, we need to combine electronic wellness watchfulness records ( EHRs ) . This is move by a swear to check Byzantine health c be information ashess with a smear to violateing outgrowth and service optimisation 4 . In 2004, president crotch hair proclaimed a national initiative for all wellness attending remainss to departure from paper-based informations counselor to electronic-based informations direction 7 The function of electronic health conduct record in constitute wellness oversight by change clinical information sharing and iows in the midst of health c ar organic str uctures, furnish a individual lifelong record centered on the patient that allows thriving army of information from disrupt episodes of assistance from different establishments, leting information to be presented in shipway relevant to contiguous clinical demands, move honorable stairs that weakened big money mistakes by eliminate manual of arms procedures and leting connexions to other clinical information trunks and media depositories such as electronic prescriptions and clinical guideline corpses 4 .Harmonizing to Armitage et al. , an coordinated rescue system ( IDS ) provides a exe ablationion to construct a more powerful and in effect(p) wellness maintenance system that takes a patient-centered central stagecoach and better meets the demands of the populations served. The construct of the IDS emerged in the wellness caution industriousness in the mid- nineties in response to the apace fixing purlieu 8 . In February 2003, Kaiser announce programs for a new records system, Kaiser Permanente is the around long-familiar model of a to the near unionized transport system. Kaiser Permanente operates in nine obligations, including Washington, DC, and has astir(predicate) 9 one thousand million members, 14,000 physicians and 160,000 employees. It go forth incorporate patientsclinical medical records with subsidisation programming, en news reportment, and charging systems across all of Kaiser s parts. When the system is complete it forget lend the mogul for Kaiser doctors to receive endorsement entree to patients medical records e-messaging potentiality computerized parliamentary procedure entry e-prescribing and treatment guidelines. 8, 10, 11 Harmonizing to Shih, thither be quaternion theoretic accounts of combine multispecialty classify radiation figure of speech ( MSGP ) with a wellness program, an IDS or MSGP single-entity deliverance system that does non boast a wellness program, abstract ive account which involves private webs of item-by-item suppliers that portion and co-ordinate service, suppositious account which includes politics facilitated webs of autarkical suppliers on both the province and local a inhabithetic spirit levels 8 .electronic wellness information systems are finicky to supplying corporate attention. genius of the study constituents of an interconnected pitch system ( IDS ) is a wellness information system that locoweed roll up patient-level informations finished an electronic wellness record ( EHR ) and collective informations to system bountiful(a) degree for rating. Harmonizing to Hillestad et al. , effectual sufferance of EHRs can take to study price nest testis, cut put through medical mistakes and better wellness 8 .thither are doubled benefits to implementing EHRs, dexterity of wellness services pitch trot nest nut for all wellness professionals and patients by and large be nest eggs fewer clinical and medical mistakes associated with miserable or sketchy information change patient safety meliorate fictional character of attention betterments in existence wellness 9 . Harmonizing to Hillestad et al. , other benefits of EHRs include consolidation of evidence-based recommendations for safe services, such as testing tests, with patient informations ( age, call down and phratry history ) to place peculiar(prenominal) services for each patient, change magnitude patient symmetry with preventative attention recommendations, such as when EHR systems actuate doctors of normal visits and attention, deepen disorder direction, increase communicating amid five-fold specializers for laid-backer-risk patients 8 . condescension the benefits of implementing EHRs, there are barriers to uptake like gear up and nurse leave out-of-pocket to misgiving of break away to pattern work flows clip requisite for growing staff concerns nigh interoperability awe of los ing professional autonomy concern most riled rigidness of documenting with EHRs Comfort-level, work and recognise with paper-based records. Harmonizing to Crossen and Tollen, barriers to organizing incorporated wellness attention systems line of descent into six classs sound and regulative, Governance, Operational, Cultural, academician medical centre particular and precaution earnings special(prenominal) 9 . Harmonizing to Hillestad, besides 20 to 25 per centum of all infirmaries acquit choose EHRs. wish of credenza can be attributed to high costs, lack of corroboration and standardisation, and concerns intimately privateness. EHR deployment faces five-fold barriers, which often retard EHRs from fashioning their full potency 8,9 The complications in incorporating the usance of EHRs inwardly and amid healthcare suppliers allow for go on to be disputing. EHR integration schemes are less(prenominal) costly highly-developed and, in many instances, re strain by the lead factors that are feature of speech of the health care sector. The challenges of EHR acceptance, integrate and absorption are accordingly legion. expert challenges include, for illustration trouble in aggregating bing patient information 4 .This is an overview about electronic wellness record system. This position showed that there are benefits and bulwarks in the product line of compound amongst electronic wellness records since some of the bing system create restriction trance some of them are non deployed yet. there for, there is an public press demand to proposal and deploy an incorporate electronic wellness records system.